Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Fun!!

time to color eggs!

This was our first time with the little guy - and he loved it!

Here's his basket....

and Daddy teaching

how to make the perfect egg

tried to die one red and blue but it turned pink and blue - SORT of NY Giants!

Daddy did the ugly egg contest...and won!

here's my other egg - cool huh?

and Holtie's Easter basket...

and T's!  Wow- they were good boys!

and Grandma got one too - man - what a bunny!

and then when T woke up...

he realized there was more... an egg hunt!!

and lots of playing!

bowling anyone?

Now it's time for bed... and Grandma bought Tristan a book

 so we read....

 and relaxed....

 cuz our tummies were full

from ham, 'tatoes and silly deviled "chicks"

and while my bunnies were sweet

and T's cross that he made for Grandma is also sweet...

NOTHING beats this.  Tristan fell asleep last night asking about Jesus.  He was asking over and over and over - "Jesus died?  Jesus died on the cross?  They poked him? He bleeeeed Mommy?  Whyyyy?

and I told him... and explained what Good Friday is about...and how three days later... Jesus rose again and that we get to go to heaven if we believe.

He said "He's ALIVE Mommy - Heeeeeeeeeeeeeee's ALVIVE!!!"

Yes Nugg.... He is.

THAT is the best Easter gift of all.

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