Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Egg hunt was a success

Nothing like an egg hunt that starts with bounce houses!

this was him patiently waiting to go again...



But, sadly he hurt his hand mid way through and wanted to get out. He wanted his MOMMY

*SIGH* it's just SO awful when he needs me - can't you tell?  I'm...


so once he was better... we went off to check out the playground...

and had to walk by, over, around... about 500 eggs.  That's hard for little kids!

but he did it...


here I come!!!

Even a little rock wall...

and more slides... but kids were getting antsy.

Finally - they called the kids over to explain the Easter story. We listened and learned about Jesus...

but some struggled to sit still... and be patient...

this is how I feel MANY times when I'm waiting.... I feel impatient.

then I negotiate.... well God... what if I do this?  Why can't I have THIS AND have it NOW?

but ... most of the time... I give in... and I wait.

and my Father is proud....

then when it's finally time to move...

I find myself worrying less about WHAT I have and just enjoying being WHERE I am

and once in a while.. I'm even smart enough to know that I may be reaching for more than God has said I can "have" (only 10 eggs per child because that is enough) just like me... you will live on THIS, have THIS, see THIS... because that IS enough Julie...

My child was content with what was promised him.  He was happy, even though it was hard.  He was thankful.  Then the greatest part was... he didn't care about the stuff...the candy anymore.... he just wanted to get back to the experience.

may I be as bright as my child and continue to search... and trust that what my Dad has for me... is ENOUGH.


1 comment:

  1. This was a beautiful blog and I'm very proud of what you and Holt try to teach Tristan.. I'll see you tomorrow and I just can't wait to get there. What an awesome Easter gift that I get to spend part of it with my family and then I get to stay and spoil Tristan for a while...Love you
