Tuesday, April 3, 2012

another 48 hours...

Well, let's see.  Went to bed Friday buying a house. A cool house.

Holt left to go to the lake... I got sick.  Then sick-er.

Woke up Sunday - SICK-AS-A-DOG. Off to Urgent Care.

Bronchitis.  Oh and an upper respiratory infection. Oh and some weird "itis" word about my swollen throat and glands... but thankfully - no strep.  There's a positive!

Take another look at the house (showing Sam and Ruth Ann) - take cute videos - allow myself to feel a tad giddy about it... only to realize... it's a potential money pit.

Yeah... needs new roof, pool needs resurfacing, and the wood rot is MUCH more extensive on the outside of the house than we thought.  We go home, rescind the offer on the house.  Bummer.  REALLY bummed.  Did I mention I'm MORE sick than bummed...cuz I'm SICK.  We really wanted "Big Red."

Go to bed...get up - 1/2 dead, no work out...pooped...ick. Go to work...can't breathe, can't stop coughing - sick.  Hear about a good friends heartbreak...all in all... crap day.  Um...the people we are buying the house from wanted to tell us that they will REPLACE the roof, FIX ALL the wood rot and OH RESURFACE the pool... I guess we were the perfect scenario for them.

Hmmmmm... Big Red is a maybe. Tuesday doesn't look too bad.  Still sick - but hopeful that I may survive bronchitis.  Steal Holt's inhaler.  Head to work. Get a lot done regardless of feeling like I have broken 3 ribs coughing.  And of course... I have to pee every 35 seconds because you have to consume ridiculous amounts of water on meds (well and in general).  RIDICULOUS AMOUNTS OF H20 + COUGHING = pee your pants OR... in my case... in the bathroom constantly

2pm.... Tornado sirens. Sheesh.... I hate tornadoes.  Into the stairwell we go.  5 minutes...done... all better. Back at my desk.   2:45pm... "GET IN THE STAIRWELL" - (here we go again...) - my boss Robert then mentions the stairwell is a VERY bad idea as tornadoes suck you UP..... (note to self... avoid stairwells - because saying I'M MOVING out of this tornado ridden state won't go over well with either boss)... greeeeeeeeeat - we can go back to our desks.

3pm - ish CODE BLACK....CODE BLACK....

So we do this... (Hi Connie!) and wait... and text and email and call trying to let everyone know we are ok....

and we wear hardhats - cuz it's cute and funny

until THIS...not so funny.  THIRTEEN tornadoes touched down in this area - one less than a mile from my house (this is NOT the one near my house) this is purely for dramatic effect (it was 20 miles from our office). *SIGH*  damn you Texas.

At this point I am panicked. Holt has dropped off his client and is rushing to get T from school.  Why you ask?  Isn't Tristan safe - well, quite frankly we aren't sure.  Holt gets there, picks him up (and as sirens are going off the kids are still sleeping on their nap mats - um WHAT?)  I'm furious and I know he thinks I'm overreacting (which is why I didn't call today) but "nice" Julie will call tomorrow and see why nothing was posted, emailed, etc... and what EXACTLY they do with the kids. Hopefully nasty Julie will stay at bay - I'm always afraid they will spit in T's food - guess that keeps "her" at bay.

Photo of hail in Rockwall where Kimmie, Lon and the kids live... INSANE

Watched War Horse... thought it would relax me.  Instead, I want a horse, am wide awake - pondering all of the questions and things that have to happen tomorrow... the busy schedule (the hacking, the coughing, the inhaler) the packing, decision on Big Red, decision on T's school, other stuff bouncing around that isn't my news to share but still it's rummaging around "upstairs" and keeping me in this spot. 

But, all in all - I'm thankful.  Thankful that Facebook allowed me to communicate with my friends and family and that I was able to know they were ok too.  Thankful that I was able to really hear a friends heart today and REALLY feel like I can help.  Thankful that my other friend started her new job this week and that this newness will bring some spark back into a hard period for her.  Thankful that we got to sing Happy Birthday to a dear friend and thankful I'm not attending anyone's funeral this week.  So as I said earlier today... it's perspective.  Who knows what the next 48 hours will bring.  Thankfully we are all safe (maybe a little sick but medicated) and alive to experience another 48 more!

Here's to catching some zzzz's - goodnight!

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