Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Seriously, I GET IT...

My oh my Tristan... you have no idea how hard it is to be a "good parent".  That involves crazy sacrifice of time, energy, patience and maybe giving up doing what we feel like doing in order to do what is BEST for you.  The worst part is... we still screw up.
I finally "get" how hard it is to get all the laundry done...

I finally "get" how hard it is to have a hot meal on the table and get three people sitting together for quality dinner time.

I finally "get" how hard it is to trust that a school has your child's best interest at heart and they too are human... they screw up - it's not intentional.

I finally "get" how hard it is to teach you to be independent and do things without me.

 I finally "get" how hard it is to know I have to work when I would rather be doing anything else with you.

I finally "get" how hard it is to trust that when you ask me to do something that is scary and maybe a little dangerous that I need to let you try and watch you bounce up and down... well out of my reach ...and squeal in complete JOY.

I finally "get" how hard it is to choose where to live because it REALLY matters in the life of your child.

I finally "get" how hard it is to NOT buy this or that for myself because I need to have savings and YOU need to have GOOD food on the table more than I need expensive clothes.

I finally "get" how important it is not to give you everything you want (even if I can) so you can learn to be patient, to save and to invest in stuff that matters to you.

I finally "get" how hard all of these things were for my mom and dad... they did what they thought was best for my sister and I.  Then, how hard it is to live out the consequences of what wasn't.  That's just life and I'm living it fully as a Mom now.  Different as a wife, a friend and of course... a daughter.  As a parent, everything changes and becomes more real.

I understand fully the "Mama Bear" phrase because I would kill to keep you safe and I will protect you from anything that I fear will harm you.  My job as a mom is to raise you, keep you safe, happy, and secure along the way.  I will mess up but just know, I gave it my best shot!  Fully understand little man.... I love you!


  1. A very powerful message, Julie....I'm always so proud of you and Tristan is lucky to have you as his mommy.....

  2. I learned from a few great women... you being #1!
