Monday, June 18, 2012

"Happy" Father's Day

Sort of...

Friday night, we gave Holtie his first little gift...

Naked delivery!

"Look at Dis Da Da"  (Cut me some slack, we just moved in and I can't find the paper)

Daddy said "A BOWL!"

so I had to explain that it's a bowl for Holtie and T to enjoy their evening "nut eating" sessions

then of course..they tested it out

Saturday, 4am... little man wakes and decides it's time to get up.  After a bit of persuading... he went back to sleep (but it wasn't easy - he saw the motion lights outside and said "it's not night time")
Saturday - silly gift #2 - the biggest weekly vitamin reminder - EVER

Saturday, Holt and I had a date night... Stacy came to babysit T so we went to dinner and a movie.

That went well...hit the hay at almost midnight.  4am wake-up call... little man and this time going back to bed isn't an option.

So after 4 or 5 minutes of crying and screaming, I got up so Daddy could sleep.  HOLY TIRED.  He was wide awake... lovely.

7am - T decided Daddy needed to get up and eat some chocolate!  Can you see the little man's face on those?  Too cute... except they cropped the pic funny and he looks like he has horns!!

well - I went to bed - I was POOPED.  Woke back up at 8:30 and felt like I slept for 30 years.

Thought today would be filled with relaxing, swimming... a nice dinner out.  Nope.

As I was leaving to get groceries, I was waving to Tristan and making sure I didn't hit the dog.  Instead... I hit this:

Thank God for Kevin. He came over and welded it back together.  I FELT HORRIBLE all day.

Then, it was too late in the day, had to cancel dinner... went to the old house to grab yet another load of stuff (yes, there is still MORE to go) and headed over to tell Sam Happy Father's Day.  Canceled our nice dinner at Jaspers and ate Taco Cabana.  BARF

Luckily, no one died... Tristan was in a great mood... could have been worse I suppose.

Poor Holt.  I guess I owe him a better one next year.  'Least we love our new house :)

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