Thursday, March 22, 2012

Movie's that I recommend

Most of these will not be appropriate for YEARS... BUT I wanted to jot them down. Great life lessons in some... heart wrenching... gripping, sad, happy, funny, important... but all have touched me in some form or fashion.

Back when I lived in Chicago... well before I met Daddy... I asked Gramma what movies SHE would recommend and I rented one or two a weekend and was happy that I was able to relate to what she was talking about.  Again... great life lessons, heart wrenching, gripping... some sad, some happy, some funny and all important with some life lesson.  Here is my list.  Whoever reads this feel free to chime in under the comments. 

  1. Remember the Titans
  2. The Help
  3. The Blind Side
  4. Crash
  5. The Passion
  6. Schindler’s List
  7. Saving Private Ryan
  8. The Green Mile
  9. Braveheart
  10. Gran Torino
  11. Hotel Rwanda
  12. Good Will Hunting
  13. A Beautiful Mind
  14. The Notebook
  15. We Are Marshall
  16. Rudy
  17. The Shawshank Redemtion
  18. The Godfather (heck, just watch ‘em all because you are part Italian)
  19. The Silence of the Lambs – because there ARE creepy people out there
  20. Gladiator
  21. Platoon
  22. Rocky (just watch it and don't complain about Adriaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane!)
  23. A Beautiful Mind - have patience for people that seem "odd" - they may actually be brilliant!
  24. Old Yeller
  25. Secretariat - GO with your gut... you may win BIG!
  26. Star Wars - old ones beat the new ones by a mile!
  27. Raiders Of The Lost Ark
  28. Legends Of The Fall - why Mommy loved the name Tristan
  29. Tristan and Isolde - why Daddy loves your name...
OH - And any and every movie that involves dancing - Foot Loose, Dirty Dancing, Step Up, Shall We Dance, etc.....
And of COURSE... Wizard Of Oz, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, etc... but Mommy can show you those SOON!
I could go on and on... but I won't.
Again... Daddy's list will be full of movies that involve risk and water (like The Perfect Storm) and as I said ... I watched...

  1. To Kill A Mockingbird
  2. It's a Wonderful Life
  3. Wuthering Heights
  4. Casablanca
  5. Singin' In The Rain
  6. The Apartment
  7. The Graduate
  8. Streetcar Named Desire
  9. Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?
  10. Some Like It Hot... I think that was one..or maybe Grapes Of Wrath... I can't remember
There.... I'm done!


  1. I wrote a nice long comment yesterday but it wouldn't go through so I'll try a shorter one..Lots of good movies and I've seen them all...I'll add The Goodbye Girl and You've Got Mail as two of my favorite Chick flicks....Love you, Barbers!!

  2. CITY SLICKERS. One of my all time favs. And Lion King. And Dances with Wolves. ;)
